Clinical and Applied Science Education

Steve Mifflin
Associate Dean for Research and Innovation
Adam Ratner
Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives, Professor
Lori Kels
Chair of Clinical Science Faculty, Associate Professor
Clinical Outreach and Standardized Patient Manager
Robert Allen
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Asish Chaudhuri, PhD
SIGS Facilitator
Linda Baker-Webber
Willed Body Program Coordinator
Andriy Batchinsky
Director of Translational Medicine
Jessica Bradley, PhD
Associate Professor
Robert Chalk
Willed Body Program Director
Associate Professor
CIELO Assistant
Research Associate
Roberto Fajardo, PhD
Associate Professor
Jaydee Foster
Senior Clinical Research Coordinator
Amanda Galán-Davila
Assistant Professor
Austin Glamser, MD
SIGS Facilitator
Nadia L. Gómez-Valdez, MD
SIGS Facilitator
Priscilla Gonzalez
CIELO Operations Manager
Blandine Helfrich
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Professor
Hilary Christensen, DO
Assistant Professor
Bernard Hildebrand
Internal Medicine Program Director – San Antonio
Felix Hull, MD
SIGS Facilitator
Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, DrPH, MS
Director and Associate Professor, Master of Public Health
Blaine Jacobs
Associate Professor
Jason C. Miller, DO
Psychiatry Program Director – San Antonio
John LoCurto, JD
Assistant Professor
Raul Marin, MD
Associate Professor
James Mayberry, MD
Assistant Professor
Terence McGarvey, PhD
Associate Professor
Rohini Mehta, MD
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Scheel Nayar, DO
Clerkship Director
Nicole Flores
Anatomical Services Coordinator
Irina Nizamutdinova, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Paula Bilica, DO
Assistant Professor
Joseph Pulcini, MD
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Rene Renteria, PhD
Associate Professor
Rebecca Sanchez, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
John Seidenfeld, MD, MSHA
Associate Professor
Shawn Williams, DO
Assistant Professor
Barry Sheridan
SIGS Facilitator
Robert Slater, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Linda Solis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Aaron Soria
Clinical Skills and Health Information Specialist
Julia Swail
SIGS Facilitator
Christine Vidouria
Assistant Professor
Melissa Walker, DO
Assistant Professor
Lora Watts, PhD
Chair of Clinical and Applied Science Education
TimMarie Williams
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Dominique Yang-Kim
Assistant Professor
Yolanda Rangel, PhD
Associate Professor
Adam Zuniga, MA
Community Engagement Coordinator at UIWSOM
Mark Zuniga
Healthcare Simulation Support Specialist