Faculty Development Opportunities

We are excited to offer professional development training for faculty on an on-going basis. Each session will be high-yield and exciting. Additional resources are also listed below to provide guidance, support, and encouragement to educators.

Development Resources

Zoom has created video tutorials as a guide in managing your classroom and worklife online. Videos are separated by the following themes:

  • Zoom Meetings and Webinars
  • Audio, Video, and Sharing
  • Zoom Rooms
  • Zoom Account and Admin
  • Zoom Messaging
  • Zoom Integrations
  • Zoom on Premise

We encourage you to visit Zoom's tutorial site to view these videos and other resources.

Web Audio Seminar

A webcast audio seminar is a 1-hour telephone conference call supplemented by webcast PowerPoint slides. The webinars are a method of exchanging vital information on timely topics in medical education. The slant of each is geared toward our membership who have responsibility for teaching the basic sciences to those in medical training. We encourage you to visit the IAMSE website for more information. This resource is for UIW employees only (username and password needed).


Acland Anatomy

Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy contains nearly 330 videos of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colors. Visit Acland Academy.

MedEd Portal Virtual Resources

This collection features peer-reviewed teaching resources that can be used for distance learning, including self-directed modules and learning activities that could be converted to virtual interactions. As always, the resources are free to download and free for adaptation to local settings. The collection will be reviewed and updated regularly. Visit MedEd Portal Virtual Resources.

BlueLink Anatomy

From the University of Michigan Medical School, BlueLink includes cadaveric photographs, comprehensive lab manuals, and interactive files with click-to-reveal testing capabilities. Visit BlueLink Anatomy.


Aquifer is offering free access to 146 Aquifer signature cases, WISE-MD (Surgery), and WISE-OnCall (Readiness for Practice) through June 30, 2020, to all current Aquifer institutional subscribers in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit Aquifer.

Kaplan iHuman

With i-Human Patients, students experience safe, repeatable, fully-graded clinical patient encounters on their devices anywhere, anytime. Visit Kaplan iHuman.

Online MedEd

The unprecedented COVID‐19 crisis has upended the medical and medical education landscape. Our aim during this difficult and confusing time is to support you with what we do best—concise, high–yield videos to help you get up to speed efficiently and effectively so you can feel confident with however you’re being called on to adjust. Visit Online MedEd.

ScholarRX Bricks

In response to a request for assistance from a partner medical school impacted by COVID-19, ScholarRx has agreed to make its Rx Bricks program available at no cost to M2 students for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. This comprehensive, online resource can assist schools implementing contingency plans necessitated by the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit ScholarRX Bricks.


You can raise the line by training healthcare workers who don’t have experience treating COVID-19. Encourage healthcare workers you know to complete  this free CME course on COVID-19 so they’re prepared to fight the virus. Visit Osmosis.


Top quality anatomy videos, all for free. Visit AnatomyZone.

Harvard Macy

Crowdsourced List of Online Teaching Resources Collated by the Harvard Macy Institute (@HarvardMacy). Visit Harvard Macy.

Anatomy Connected

Full listing of educational resources available through the American Association for Anatomy (AAA). Visit Anatomy Connected.

Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. Visit the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Dartmouth SOM Interactive Rad/Anatomy

A large collection of Radiology and Anatomy quizzes and resources prepared and curated by the Geisle School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Visit Dartmouth SOM Interactive Rad/Anatomy.


We understand some of the unique challenges you are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, as a company, are putting together resources to help you keep up with your courses as well as stay up to date with the latest research and evidence-based practices for addressing this new coronavirus. Visit Firecracker.

LWW Health Library

LWW Health Library for Medical Education delivers basic sciences, anatomical sciences, and osteopathic medicine content. Visit the LWW Health Library.

Bates’ Visual Guide

Bates’ Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. The site features more than 8 hours of video content. Visit Bates' Visual Guide.

5 Minute Consult

Primary health care is important to everyone, and now more than ever it’s important that you have access to evidence-based diagnostic and treatment content. To help you with caring for all of your patients, we are offering 30-day free access to 5MinuteConsult.com. Use code 5MC30DayAccess73173 to sign up. Visit 5MinuteConsult.com

AACOM is an excellent resource to find professional development materials and information. Resources focus on areas such as, but not limited to: leadership, UME, GME, administration, and curriculum content. Please take some time to visit their website for more information.

Our mentor school provides a wealth of resources to support faculty at any level. Be sure to take a look by visiting the Zucker SOM at the Hofstra Northwell Faculty Development page.